VAAA provides answers, action and advocacy on care for the elderly and disabled adults of Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee Counties, by enhancing lives, empowering choice, sustaining independence and supporting caregivers and families. We are all things senior.
Leadership, Trust/Integrity, Advocacy and Commitment to Excellence
The Valley Area Agency on Aging is one of 16 Area Agencies on Aging in Michigan established by the Older Americans Act of 1965 and the State Older Michiganians Act to meet the needs of a growing aging population. VAAA is governed by an Executive Board comprised of elected officials and a volunteer senior citizen majority.
- Fund service providers through a competitive bidding process.
- Ensure quality assurance and provide technical assistance to service providers.
- Advocate on issues of concern to older adults and persons with disabilities at local, regional and national levels.
- Provide employment and training services to older workers.
- Identify unmet needs and develop new service programs.
- Provide services specifically targeted to the frail elderly.