Dementia Caregiver Workshop This Dementia Caregiving workshop is 3- session program for those caring for a personwith dementia or Alzheimer’s. It assists with reducing caregiving stress by providing usefultools and
2024 Spring and Summer Classes
Understanding Mealtime and Behavior Changes in Dementia Join us for a FREE interactive workshop on using effective communication and problem-solving techniques for Mealtime and Behavior Changes in Dementia. Presented by
2024 Annual Meeting
VAAA is seeking NEW licensed providers for the Home and Community-Based Services
Valley Area Agency on Aging is seeking NEW licensed providers for the Home andCommunity-Based Services in Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee counties in thefollowing categories: Home Modifications (Builders)Lawn & Snow RemovalMovers
VAAA Presents Annual Implementation Plan
Public Hearing Valley Area Agency on Aging will be discussing FutureProgramming for our Senior Services and programs to be available to older adults (60+)in Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee Counties; such
VAAA Annual Meeting
Medicare Open Enrollment October 15-December 7th
During this Annual Enrollment Period, we will see some significant changes with the implementation ofthe Inflation Reduction Act. These changes will lower the overall cost of insulin and, in thefuture,
Public Hearing for Fiscal Year
2023-2025 Multi-Year Plan
Families in crisis frequently think the only choice for their loved ones is a nursing home. But there are alternatives. Valley Area Agency on Aging (VAAA) currently receives funding from
Feeling the Stress of Caregiving?
Caregivers often neglect their own needs, leading to high stress and burnout. Valley Area Agency on Aging (VAAA) brings Powerful Tools for Caregivers- a six-week program supplying caregivers with resources,