Join the Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan on the capitol grounds on May 7th to advocate for critical services that impact Michigan older adults.
Older Michiganians Day 2025
This annual event that takes place on the East Lawn of the Capitol Building in Lansing in early June. This event brings together hundreds of seniors, aging service providers, and senior advocates. This free event provides the opportunity to share a unified voice with the Legislature expressing the concerns, challenges, and opportunities for older adults by the experts, older adults themselves and aging service providers.
The event features:
- A Rally on the East Lawn of the Capitol Building
- Keynote Speakers
- Group and individual meetings with your State Legislators
- Presentation of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Community Service Awards
- Presentation of the Senior
- Citizen of the Year Awards

Older Michiganians Day Steering Committee
Older Michiganians Day is planned by a group of organizations committed to advocating on behalf of the needs and interests of older adults across the state of Michigan. The steering committee is responsible for planning the annual event in Lansing, producing the advocacy platform which outlines a coordinated message calling for legislative actions and developing an annual report card that rates the achievements of the Governor and the Legislature in accomplishing recommended actions.
Members of the Steering Committee Include:
Valley Area Agency on Aging
AARP of Michigan
Area Agency on Aging Association of Michigan
Area Agency on Aging 1-B
Michigan Association of Senior Centers
Michigan Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
Michigan Directors of Services to the Aging
Michigan Senior Advocates Council
Region II Area Agency on Aging
Region IV Area Agency on Aging
Senior Volunteer Programs of Michigan
The Senior Alliance
Tri-County Office on Aging