In-Home services help older adults maintain their independence at home. We want seniors to live in their homes as comfortably and independently as possible. We encourage you to reach out so we can find programs that are just right for yourself or senior in care.

CHAAT Program 

Loneliness is the perception of feeling alone or isolated. You may know- or be- one of the 42.6 million adults who experience these feelings daily. Chatting Helps Aging Adults Thrive (CHAAT)  is aimed to address the isolation and loneliness issues among seniors. A no-cost friendly call is placed once a week by a volunteer to check-in and chat!  If you or someone you know needs to chat please call 810-249-0820 or email


KISS Program

The KISS program (Keeping Independent Seniors Safe), is a telephonic reassurance system that keeps seniors and their loved ones worry-free. Participants in the KISS program can call the KISS office or receive a telephone call every Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to make sure that the participant is alright.  Special arrangements can be made for participants that need weekend coverage. 

Learn more about the KISS program


In-Home Services

In-Home Services are designed to enable older adults to remain in their own homes. Types of services include:

  • Homemaker: Assistance with light household chores, such as laundry.
  • Personal Care: Assistance with daily living activities such as bathing and dressing.
  • Respite: Companionship and assistance in the absence of the primary caregiver


Crisis Intervention

The Care Management program is intended to assist those older adults experiencing greater limitations which put them at risk of entering a nursing home unless a range of supportive services can be brought into their homes. They require a moderate to high level of help with their personal and other home care needs.


  • Genesee County Resident
  • Age 60+ years of age or older
  • Short term health care need of 3 months or less
  • Referral from a physician, social worker or nurse

Program Services

  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Personal Care
  • Meal Preparation
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Errands
  • Service provision is determined by assessment of need and available funding.


  • Donation


Care Management

The Care Management Program provides care management services for persons 60+ years of age who need assistance managing their care. Through the program, eligible participants receive the services of a Nurse and a Social Worker (Supports Coordinators) that complete a comprehensive assessment at the person’s home. After the completion of the assessment, the Supports Coordinators along with the participant and his/her family develop a care plan to meet the needs of the participant. As a part of the care plan, the Supports Coordinators will work to assist the participant and family to meet the individual’s needs by arranging private pay services when funding is available. The Supports Coordinators will monitor service delivery and the participant needs through monthly contact and in-home reassessments every three to six months depending on the participant’s needs.



  • Age 60+ and at risk of nursing home admission.

Program Services

  • Personal Care
  • PERS (Personal Emergency Response System)
  • Homemaking
  • Medication Management
  • Respite for caregivers
  • Adult day services
  • Home delivered meals
  • Home Injury Control



Persons determined eligible for the program are informed about the cost of the assistance provided and requested to make an appropriate contribution according to their financial ability.


Becoming a Client

All persons referred to the program receive a telephone interview to determine whether they are appropriate to receive an in-home assessment. When it appears that the person might qualify for the program, a nurse and social worker visit the client’s home for an in-depth assessment of their needs. The assessment evaluates physical and mental health, functional status, current formal and informal support being provided, home environment, financial resources, and third party insurance coverage. If the individual is eligible after assessment, a service plan is developed with the older adult and/or family. Client care is monitored and plans are revised, as client needs change. Contact Us. Funded in part by the Michigan Department of Community Health.


Legal Services

Helping ensure the independence and dignity of seniors by protecting their legal rights through education, counseling, and advocacy. Legal assistance, counseling, and technical information are provided in the areas of public benefits, abuse and neglect, and housing.

Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee Counties:

Legal Services of Eastern Michigan 547 S. Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48502 (810) 234-2621 or 1-800-339-9513


Elder Abuse Prevention and Education

An Elder Abuse Specialist provides public education, outreach, and referral services with respect to the prevention of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults. Legal Services of Eastern Michigan 1-810-234-2621 or 1-800-322-4512


Language Translation Services

A staff fluent in English and Spanish provides Information & Assistance, home visits, and casework services.

Genesee County:

Spanish Speaking Information Center 1202 E. Boulevard Dr., Third Floor, Flint, MI 48503 (810) 239-4417

Lapeer County

Hispanic Service Center 270 N. Cedar, Imlay City, MI 48444 (810) 724-3665

Communication Access Center 

Gilbert Hall 1277 West Court Street Flint, Michigan 48503 (810) 239-3112


Home Delivered Meal Program

Provides a hot and cold meal daily to homebound seniors to reduce nutritional risk. A Home Delivered Meal Case manager will conduct an opening assessment and re-assessment to determine program eligibility, nutritional risk and resource linkage.


  • Age 60+ years of age or older
  • Homebound
  • Unable to obtain food or prepare complete meals
  • There is no adult living at the residence able to prepare meals

Suggested Donation

  • $2.00 per meal


Nursing Facility Transition Program

The Nursing Facility Transition Program (NFT) provides transition assistance for those individuals residing in a nursing home who wish to return to community living.


  • Age 18+
  • Medicaid Active
  • Reside in a Nursing Home in Genesee, Lapeer or Shiawassee County

Program Services

  • Assessments
  • Transition Assistance Planning
  • Assistance in finding housing and establishing utility hook-ups
  • Assistance securing housing and utility deposits
  • Securing household items needed for transition

Becoming a Client

All persons referred to the program receive a telephone interview to determine if he/she is appropriate for the program. When it appears the person may be an appropriate candidate for the program an assessment is completed at the nursing home to discuss the person’s desires and needs for a successful transition back to the community. Contact us! 


Medication Management

Provides assistance in managing the use of both prescription and over the counter (OTC) medication. Includes face-to-face review of client’s prescription, OTC, medication regime, use of herbs and dietary supplements, regular set-up of medication regimen, and monitoring of compliance with medication regimen. Also communicating with referral sources (physicians, family members, primary caregivers, etc.) regarding compliance with medication regimen, and family/caregiver/ client education and training.


Case Coordination Services

Includes the assessment and reassessment of individual needs, development and monitoring of a service plan, identification of and communication with appropriate community agencies to arrange for services, evaluation of the effectiveness and benefit of services provided, and assignment of a single individual as the caseworker for each participant.


Medical Nutrition Therapy

A physician referred program that allows a registered Dietitian to provide an individualized nutrition plan and education to those with specific diagnosis


Care Transition Services –(hospital to home)

Works with hospitals and healthcare providers to arrange services to ensure a successful transition from the hospital to back their home in partnership with participants to visit their Primary Care Physician all with the goals to reduce their chances of hospital readmissions.  


Options Counseling

Provides education regarding all long-term care options available in the community so that seniors and caregivers can make an informed decision regarding their individual long term care needs. Linkage to all long-term care programs is also provided.


Home Injury Control

Home Injury Control/Assistive Devices/ Personal Emergency Response Units are programs for seniors that assess the need for devices to ensure safety and prevent falls and injuries in the homes.


*Programs and services are subject to availability and may have eligibility requirements