Loneliness is the perception of feeling alone or isolated. You may know- or be- one of the 42.6 million adults who experience these feelings daily. Chatting Helps Aging Adults Thrive (CHAAT) is aimed to address the isolation and loneliness issues among seniors. A no cost-friendly call is placed once a week by a volunteer to check-in and chat! If you or someone you know needs to chat please call 810-249-0820 or email
CHAAT- Chatting Helps Aging Adults Thrive
The KISS program (Keeping Independent Seniors Safe), is a telephonic reassurance system that keeps seniors and their loved ones worry-free. Participants in the KISS program can call the KISS office or receive a telephone call every Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to make sure that the participant is alright. Special arrangements can be made for participants that need weekend coverage.
Learn more about the KISS program
The Retired Senior Volunteer Program. You’ve gained a lifetime of experience. Now is the time to put your skills and talents to good use by volunteering through RSVP. Perhaps the first and biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and country. The intangible benefits alone – such as pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment – are worthwhile reasons to serve.
Put Your Experience To Work
RSVP shows you how you can apply the skills and wisdom you’ve acquired throughout your life to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
A part of Senior Corps, RSVP is America’s largest volunteer network for people 55 and over, with more than 500,000 volunteers tackling tough issues in communities nationwide. You choose how and where you want to serve, how much time you want to give, and whether you want to share skills you have or develop new ones.
Help Where It’s Needed Most
RSVP matches volunteers with thousands of local and national organizations, giving you countless opportunities such as:
Healthy Futures Help other seniors get the health care they need, and improve their quality of life with your companionship.
Disaster Services Provide critical disaster assistance working at shelters, transporting victims, or renovating homes.
Economic Opportunity Move people toward their financial independence and homeownership goals.
Education Make a difference for local youth by assisting in classrooms or become a mentor.
Environmental Stewardship Preserve natural beauty serving in national and local parks and revitalizing important waterways.
Veterans and Military Families Support those who served as a part of a VA program as a life coach or by connecting them to helpful services
RSVP Means Results
Your time is valuable, and we maximize every minute. Our highly structured program focuses on making a tangible difference. National performance measures guide our efforts and ensure your work contributes to real, lasting change in your community. We’ll prepare you for success with pre-service orientation and training from the organization where you will serve. You’ll even receive supplement insurance while you’re in service.
Giving Back Is Good For You, Too
Older Americans who volunteer frequently live longer and report better health. Volunteering can also lead to more friendships and a more positive attitude.
Benefits of Volunteering
You’ve gained a lifetime of experience. Now is the time to put your skills and talents to good use by volunteering through RSVP. Perhaps the first and biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and country. The intangible benefits alone – such as pride, satisfaction and accomplishment – are worthwhile reasons to serve.
When we share our time and talents, we:
* Solve problems
* Strengthen communities
* Improve lives
* Connect to others
* Transform our own lives
Research has established a strong relationship between volunteering and health: those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.
Older volunteers are the most likely to receive greater benefits from volunteering. Because they are more likely to face a higher incidence of illness, volunteering provides seniors with physical and social activity and a sense of purpose at a time when their social roles are changing.
To learn more about RSVP, please call Valley Area Agency on Aging at 810-239-7671 or fill out an online form. Vaild photo identification will be required!