Families in crisis frequently think the only choice for their loved one is a nursing home. But there are alternatives. Valley Area Agency on Aging (VAAA) currently receives funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) to provide MI Choice Program services.
The goal of the program is to help eligible persons to obtain the services they need to live at home as independently as possible. A comprehensive array of supportive services is provided under the direction of a care management team of both a nurse and a social worker. Our purpose is to prevent an unnecessary move into a nursing home.
To qualify for these services, you must:
- Be a current resident of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee Counties
- Be age 18-64 if disabled or age 65+ if elderly
- Are unable to take care of their needs, and family and friends cannot provide the level of care needed
- Care needs must meet Nursing Facility Level of Care
- Must meet program financial eligibility criteria