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COVID Risk Testing Tool


Please call 810-600-0617 to add your name to the Genesee County Health Department vaccine list.

If you are calling about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, please leave a message with your first and last name, your date of birth, and a phone number where you can be reached, please spell your full name.

This information will be given to the Genesee County Health Department on a daily basis for vaccination scheduling as vaccine become available. The health department will call you directly to make your appointment, please be patient and please answer your phone and check for voicemails regularly.

Please do not leave multiple messages or call more than one agency or senior center. VAAA and all senior centers in Genesee County are working together with the health department to ensure that those who are requesting appointments will be scheduled. Leaving multiple messages will not speed up this process.

More than 150,000 people in Genesee County are eligible to receive the vaccine under phase 1B. But not enough vaccine is currently available. The GCHD hopes this will improve over the upcoming weeks and months. You may not receive a call to schedule your appointment for several weeks. As the GCHD does not know the number of vaccine it will receive until the end of each week. When the health department gets information about the number of vaccines that they will receive for that week, they will post it to their website between 5 and 6 pm on Monday. VAAA does not have any information regarding when the health department will call for appointments. Thank you for your cooperation in this process.




We’re here to help keep seniors safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see this list of resources, tips, scams, and more.  


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